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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Naked Mother Saves Children in Driveway

Not all my posts will be this long but this first one had to be!  It's well worth the read!

Had anyone been brave enough to claim they had seen me, this would have been the headline for the dreadful day in May when as a mother of 3 young children—ages 2, 4, and 6—I went outside in a towel and shower cap to rescue my two year old from a “hole.”

After a busy morning of mothering duties I finally got all three children outside playing in the fenced backyard and decided I could quickly hop in the shower.  I gave them specific instructions to stay together and stay in the backyard.  Knowing I only had a few minutes and those minutes did not allow for a hair wash, I quickly threw my pink flowered shower cap on my head.  Just as I began to lather myself with soap and almost enjoy the hot water descending upon me, my six year old Jonathan, ran into the bathroom shouting, “Mom, Mom! Nate (my two-year-old) is stuck in a hole and can’t get out! Come quick!”

My mind filled with tragic visions of 18 month old Jessica Morales from Texas that had fallen in a well in 1989 and was trapped there for 58 hours.  I knew we did not have those kind of wells in Farmington, Utah, but all logic left my mind; clearly indicated by my flinging the shower curtain open, grabbing a towel hanging from a nearby hook, wrapping it quickly around me and dashing down the stairs to the backyard with my son following close behind me. 

As I ran to the back door he shouted, “no mom, not the back, the front.”  Once again no thinking took place only the desperate desire to save my child.  I ran out the garage door that led to the driveway.  At the end of the driveway was our blue Little Tykes van and in that van were two screaming children.  I dashed to the van and found Nate curled up in a ball pinned to the ground stuck in the “hole” where the feet are supposed to go.   My 4 year old daughter Addie was also curled up in a ball stuck in the back part of the van.  Neither could move and therefore Jonathan was unable to move the van from on top of Nate. 

Crouching down with one hand holding my towel securely around me, I used my other hand to try and grab onto Nate, he being the one screaming the loudest.  I could not move him in the position needed with one hand so I asked Jonathan to hold my towel.  He grabbed onto it and must have felt the grip he had wasn’t strong enough so he opened the towel up as wide as his arms would go and brought the towel back together to secure it tightly.  No matter what I tried I could not get Nate out.  If I rolled the van any way he only screamed louder.  In my panic I never once thought, “get Addie out first and lift the van off.”  Too bad hindsight can’t come sooner in a situation such as this. 

Suddenly Jonathan lost all interest in the crisis before us.  He let go of my towel and said, “this is taking too long.”  There I was very naked, except for the lovely shower cap, crouched in my driveway with 3 children and a green towel lying in a pile in front of me.  I grabbed the towel and with one hand held it up near my neck.  At least with the help of gravity it hung over the worst area in crouched position!  I used my other hand to continue my rescue.

 At last they were both free and only then did the reality of where I was and what I had just done hit me.  I became painfully aware of my nakedness, my shower cap and my cold, wet skin. I wave of panic washed over me and I looked in every direction to see if there were cars stopped, news reporters, neighbors scarred for life, etc.  Luckily, and thankfully, I saw no one.  I began to back up the driveway slowly keeping my eyes peeled for any movement.  Suddenly a bash to the head reminded me that there was a van parked in that driveway and I had just hit the rear view window. Tears started to flow. 

Jonathan’s interest had returned to my predicament and came to see what had happened.  He saw me and said in a completely disgusted voice, “MOM you should never go outside in just a towel and especially you should never go outside NAKED!” 

Now in full sobs I shouted, “And YOU should learn what a HOLE is!”


Several minutes later, still upset but dying to know, I called my two next door neighbors and asked them if they had seen anything going on in my driveway a while ago.  Thankfully neither had had the pleasure OR disgust of the episode!  Later that day I received a phone call from a man saying he was from the Farmington City Police Department and they had had a report of “indecent exposure” from someone at my address.  Again the tears came-my next stop was surely jail.

 The man exploded into laughter and told me that he was really my neighbor’s husband.  She had called him right away with the story and he could not resist the opportunity to scare me to death.

Days and weeks after whenever I would tell someone the story they would always ask, in disgust I might add, “why didn’t you just throw on a robe before you ran out there,” or, “Why didn’t you just look out the window first to see what the problem was,” or “Why didn’t you have Jonathan help you lift the kids out?” etc. 

Were these people mothers?  Had they ever felt the adrenaline that washes over you when you think your child is in trouble?- AND I didn’t own a robe!

 I think that is what makes mothers “mothers”-willing to give anything and do anything to protect, save and help their children.  Only Mothers are willing to “walk through a burning building” or crouch naked in a driveway. 

Look forward to my next posts filled with ideas for Christmas and special ways to help your children BELIEVE!

If you need an IDEA for SOMETHING/ANYTHING that is coming up with your family, just ask!