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Friday, April 18, 2014


Trying to follow the guidelines in the For the Strength of Youth, "Do not date until you are at least 16 years old," created an opportunity when my daughter got asked to the high school Prom a few weeks ago and she was still 15, and we had to come up with a good way to answer the boy who asked her.

We bought this cake and put 15 candles in it and she made this cute sign.  She took it to his house and delivered it to his door step.  Hopefully he knew that she'd love to be asked again next year. 

     I was proud of her as it can be difficult when all your friends are going to their first Prom and you so want to be included in that exciting time.  As we discussed this experience and some comments from some girls at school regarding the 16 year old dating counsel such as, "that doesn't matter anymore," and my senior son said, "oh mom no one follows that anymore," my 11 year old said, 'Well Elly you'll get all the blessings!"  I was so thankful that he recognizes that obedience brings blessings.  I'm thankful that Elly recognizes that following a prophet is not optional!