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Saturday, June 28, 2014


I heard this funny quote once…


I am very fanatical about the importance of family vacations.  Family vacations need not be far away, extravagant  or expensive but they must happen.  I feel there must be a vacation once a year that is just your immediate family-no relatives or friends allowed (grandma’s and grandpa’s are OK once in a while).  This allows your family to really have an opportunity to focus on each other with no other relationships  competing for time or attention.  Family vacations are sacred to me.  They are a most  precious time together.   They provide opportunities not available in our daily routines.  Each family member is “forced” to spend time together, experience things together and create lasting memories which bond them together and strengthen their relationships. 

Usually as soon as our yearly family vacation is over I start planning the next one.  It takes months to plan a GREAT vacation and months to save $ for one.  I always start with creating a budget and have learned that you will have heavenly help keeping within your budget if you ask for it.  

One of the best parts of our family vacations is the first Family Night after we have returned.  We call it the TRIP RE-CAP.  We watch all the pictures of our trip on the computer or T.V. then we do an activity entitled “Our Favorites.”     Each family member is given a handout and writes their name on it then they list all their favorites of the trip.  Here are two examples.  (the handout varies each trip depending on the activities we did)


Favorite city ______________________________________

Favorite onboard activity ________________________________________________________

Favorite animal encounter __________________________________________________________

Favorite meal on ship ___________________________________

Favorite meal off ship _________________________________________________

Favorite thing about the cruise ship _____________________________________________________________

Funniest moment _________________________________________________________________

Favorite excursion __________________________________________________

Favorite food item on ship ______________________________________

Most memorable moment _____________________________________________________________________

Worst thing about the trip _______________________________________________________

Best thing you learned ________________________________________________________________

What you will remember most about this trip _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Kirtland/ Niagra Area

Favorite site:

Something I learned that strengthened my testimony:

Best thing about this area:

Best meal:

Worst thing about this area:


Favorite site:

Something I learned that strengthened my testimony:

Best Meal:

Worst thing about this area:

Sandusky/Cedar Point

Favorite roller coaster:

Worst thing about this park:

Best thing about this park:


Favorite Site:

Something I learned that strengthened my testimony:

Best thing about this area:

Favorite  Meal:

Worst Meal:

Worst thing about this area:

Whole Trip

Favorite Hotel:

Favorite place overall:

Best Meal overall:

Best activity overall:

Funniest thing that happened:

Best thing about being on this trip:

What you will best remember about this trip:

Share your feelings about our pioneer ancestors and Joseph Smith and how most of all your testimony was strengthened of them. 

Then we go around and each person reads their answers.  It is a great laugh and brings back all the memories and fun we just had.  These pages are then added to the trip scrapbook containing all the pictures of that particular trip.  It is looked at often and each time it is brought out those memories come flooding back and our bonds are strengthened by precious memories.    It is also an awesome way to journal the experience. 

This trip re-cap is also a wonderful insight into the things that your children really enjoy.  It’s so fun to learn that usually they all have a different favorite and that each one of them learn different things on the trip (I try to make sure that each trip is filled with learning activities) .    It gives each child an opportunity to feel valued as they share their opinion and we all listen.  Doing this activity also gets the kids more invested in the trip as they are thinking right from the beginning what activities or moments will be on the “trip re-cap favorites” page.  

I also always do a GOOD ATTITUDE CONTEST .   I keep a notebook with me constantly (everyone else will surely just use their cell phone) and we start from the very beginning of the trip and I give each child, myself and husband, points for displays of good attitudes, positive comments, extra helpfulness, kind and patient words and compromise.    Family vacations must be full of all these things to be a positive experience and there really is no better opportunity to put these great life skills into practice-with the people who we are supposed to love and cherish the most.  At the end of each vacation day I total up the points and whoever is in the lead gets to pick our restaurant for dinner, get an extra icecream scoop, get a candy bar at the gas station or some other small reward.  It works like magic and makes a big difference.  When we are hiking “too far” I remind them of the points and attitudes change quickly, when someone wants a certain bed in the hotel that another one wants I remind them of the points and compromise is quickly reached.  No one can contest the points given but each family member can recommend that points be given to a certain someone. 

 After several of our vacations I have also done PAPER PLATE AWARDS and these are presented at the Family Night Trip Re-cap.  I think of a title that each child has earned while on the trip and write it on a paper plate and accompany it with their favorite candy bar.  They  get so excited about this simple award and sometimes I let my older kids make them and they loved that opportunity. 

 All of these ideas are ways to strengthen family bonds which I feel should be one of our highest priorities.  Whenever I fill out my favorites page and answer the last question, “What was your favorite thing about this trip?”, my answer is ALWAYS, “That I got to spend 7 days with my favorite people in the world and eat every meal with them and have no interruptions or distractions from the world.  It is a little bit of heaven!”