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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best pancakes EVER! Perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

If you really want to make people happy...
Make these pancakes!
Once you do you will be asked over and over again to make them for all kinds of events,
get togethers and functions.
1 1/2 C flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 1/4 C milk
1/4 C molasses
3 TBL oil
Mix all dry ingredients together.  In a separate bowl mix egg, milk, molasses and oil together.
Combine dry and wet ingredients together and mix until blended.  Cook on hot griddle.  Serve with Buttermilk syrup.
P.S. I double or triple this recipe for my family of 7.  I have made this for a crowd of 95 (14 x's it) and a basketball team of 25 (5 x's it)I .  For a function where you have to feed lots of people this is great to premix and store in an icecream bucket and refrigerate until needed.  
2 C sugar
2 C buttermilk
! C butter
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 c corn syrup
Combine all ingredients (except vanilla) in a BIG POT-this is an 8 quart pot (it will swell up very high so make it in a large pot).  Bring to a boil, stirring more than occasionally but less than constantly.  Continue to stir and boil until a carmel  color.  (It will boil up and then go back down) Remove from heat and add vanilla. 
Serve on pancakes and/or over icecream. 
This is the syrup when it is boiling up.  Obviously not done as it is not a carmel color.

Happy "BIRTH" day BOOK

I made this many years ago when my children were very young.  It is a book that contains their BIRTH story; the story of when we found out they would be joining our family, my pregnancy with them, the details of the day they were born, why we picked the name they were given, their first few days at home and details about their blessing day and a few pictures of the day they were born.  Most importantly it tells why we love them and how blessed we are that Heavenly Father sent them to be in our family.

This is a most special and treasured book at our house.  We look forward to the end of each birthday when I read the birthday child their story.    No matter how old they have gotten, it is still an absolute must do!  In fact as they have gotten older the reading of the story in a more sweet and tender experience that always brings me to tears as we remember the JOY that came the day that particular child was born and how fast the time has gone.  When my son was on his mission I made a copy of his pages and sent them to him in his birthday package so he could read them-it wouldn't be a birthday without reading this special story! 

The beginning of the book also has a special message from my husband and me about the wonderful work these children have to do here on earth at this time in history. 

Each child's story always ends with this sentence...
"The day you were born was the one of the BEST days of our life!"
This kind of book adds much to a child's self esteem.  It gives them identity, purpose and knowledge that they are an important and anticipated part of a family.  It is also a good family history. 
I used a 1" 3 ring binder, and sheet protectors.  I typed up each story and then color copied the pictures.  Please remember I made this in the "olden" days before there was Shutterfly or Costco Photo books.  (I have since made a few of those and that would be a great option for this as well.)

Families Are Forever Primary Sharing Time

This sharing time is a good overview of this years theme-"Families Are Forever."  It could be used at any time but particularly good for April.


Preparation:  Obtain enough chain to go around the Primary room.  (We went to a local hardware store and told them what we needed it for and they just let us borrow their reel after leaving our name and phone number etc.-otherwise we were just going to gather as much as we could from ward members).  Before Primary starts lay it around the perimeter of the entire room.  Get an easel to go in the middle of the back and put a poster on it that says “HEAVEN”, wrap the chain around that then continue it on.  Construct a temple out of a range or washing machine box (or you could just use another easel with a picture of the temple on it but the kids won’t be able to walk through it) and put the chain running through the temple.

Have each presidency member bring individual pictures of their family members (just go maternal line so it doesn’t take too long) starting with themselves, spouse, children, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. Punch a hole in the top of each picture and put a paper clip or ornament hanger through each hole –this will allow you to hang these pictures on the chain.  Put the family members that have died in “HEAVEN” when you show the kids their picture

You could also print out a picture of the Emancipation Proclamation from Google images.  Print out a picture of  house plans also from Google images and then write the word “FAMILY” in the center

Buy 2 (will need one for junior and senior sharing time) cheap 8 x 10 picture frames from the D.I. or Dollar Tree with glass in them.  Put a picture of a family in each one.  Bring a hammer, 2 plastic bags and a paper sack  


LISA-with construction hat on

“Before you can build something you have to have a plan.  Each building that is constructed starts with plans that tell the construction workers how to build the building successfully and build it so it will be strong and last through bad storms and strong winds.   

Show house or building plans (blueprints from Ross Ranzenberger) with the word – FAMILY- in the middle.

Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us.  He created  us and then sent us to live on earth and get a body.  While on earth we are to learn and grow and be tested to prove if we would follow Him and keep His commandments.  He wants us to return to live with Him someday so He sent Jesus to die for us and provide a way for us all to return back to heaven.   

 God’s plan put each of us in a family.  We need to follow God’s plan so that our families can be strong and make it through hard times and trials.

The FAMILY is central to God’s Plan for His children here on earth.  Central means a most important or necessary part. “



“Heavenly Father knew that on earth we would need parents to take care of us, teach us and help us learn how to return to Heavenly Father.  He knew we would need to be in a family to feel love and happiness. 

He did not want our family relationships to be over when we die.  He wanted each family to live together  forever even when we return to heaven.  So another part of His great plan is the temple. 



“Through ordinances performed in the temple families are linked together.  Linked means connected or bound together.  Can you see the chain that goes around the room?  (Pick up part of chain) A chain is made with links.  Making things with links makes them stronger.  Chains are some of the strongest things on earth.  They are used for the hardest, toughest jobs.      

 Temple ordinances provide an unbreakable link with family members.  If family members keep the commandments those temple ordinances will bind great grandparents, grandparents, mothers, fathers and children together for all time and eternity.  They will never be separated from each other. 

Explain that we are putting our families on the chain (we will each say the first name of the individuals as we hook them on the chain-put ones who have died on the chain wrapped around “HEAVEN”)


“This CHAIN that runs through this temple shows us the power and strength of temple covenants and ordinances. 

Let’s try to cut this chain.  (Invite a reverent child to come up and use the  metal cutters to try and cut the chain-we got really thick chain so that children wouldn’t be able to cut it-otherwise the object lesson isn’t very effective)

 It cannot be done.  


“In the Bible in Matthew it tells us…

“Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.”  That means that what we connect or link together in the temple on earth will be linked or connected together in heaven. 

That is why it is important to help all of Heavenly Father’s children receive the ordinances of the temple. 

That is why it is so important to do our family history work and help all the people who have ever lived on the earth and didn’t get a chance to go to the temple get their temple work done.  Even if they have already died the temple ordinances link them with their families and they will be in their families in heaven. “



“Satan knows the great power in the temple.  (Hold up hammer and say that it represents Satan) He does not want us to be with our families forever. He does not want us to keep the commandments.  If we don’t keep the commandments we can’t go to the temple.  Satan does not want us to be happy.  Satan does not want us to have strong families.  He does not want us to kind to our brothers and sisters.  He does not want moms and dads to be married. 

PUT FAMILY PICTURE IN plastic bag and then in a PAPER SACK AND SMASH WITH HAMMER-be sure they can hear the glass breaking-it’s very powerful!  Pull it out carefully and show them how it has shattered

Because Satan is very strong in the world today the family is under attack.  So in Sept. of 1995 the prophet, Gordon B. Hinkley read a Proclamation that was written by him and the other apostles.  It is called “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”

A proclamation is a public or official announcement that deals with a matter of great importance.  It is a declaration or statement given by people in power such as kings, queens and presidents. 

There have been some very famous proclamations throughout the history of the world.  In 1863 Abraham Lincoln gave a very important one called the Emancipation Proclamation.  It said that all slaves should be free.  This changed things in the United States very much.  He also sent out a proclamation declaring that we should have Thanksgiving be a holiday.  Another president of our country, Dwight Eisenhower sent out a proclamation in 1959 that said Alaska was to be part of the United States of America. “



“All proclamations are important but no other proclamation is more important for the family than the one given by God’s prophet. 

This year you will learn all about the proclamation and the things that we can do to build strong families.  When we live the gospel and follow God’s plan our families will be happy.  You children can strengthen your family. If your family is not having scripture study or family home evening then remind them too.  If they are not saying family prayer remind them to.  If people are fighting in your home, help them be kind.  Families are made strong by the temple.”


“Heavenly Father shows us His love by allowing families to be together forever through the temple ordinances. “

We want all of you to go to the temple as soon as you are old enough to go.  Until then we want you to go through this temple and remember that the next time you go to the temple it will be to make special covenants and promises to Heavenly Father that will help you and your family return back to Him.”


Have all the children line up and have all the teachers hold up the chain so children can hold it as they move to go through the temple while we sing: I LOVE TO SEE THE TEMPLE-When all children have sat down sing the last verse of again and end with your testimony.     


Friday, January 17, 2014

The Temple-I am going there on THIS day!

Years ago I made this picture to hang up in our house so everyday the kids could look at it and keep the goal of the temple in their mind.  At the time I made it my oldest son was 16 and the mission ages were different so when the prophet changed the ages last Oct. I crossed off and corrected for the new age.  I keep meaning to make a whole new one but have never got around to it and this one does the job.

It has hung on our pantry door for 6 1/2 years now and been a constant reminder to live worthy of a temple recommend.  Those 6 1/2 years have passed so quickly and our third child is getting ready to go to the temple as soon as he graduates.  At the time I made it I thought it such a long way off and wondered "how will I help all these children get to the temple?"  It felt very overwhelming in this wicked world.  I have come to appreciate more than ever the power of the "little" things like weekly Family Home Evenings, scripture study, family prayer, weekly sacrament meeting attendance and family activities that contribute in significant ways to our children making it to the temple.  I also appreciate the help of loved ones, church leaders and teachers who help me with that job as well.

This picture keeps our goal at the forefront of our minds and helps all of us plan and look forward to each child receiving the blessings of the temple.  For me as a mother I'm counting down to a very special day in 2022 when my husband and I can be there with all five of our children and then our JOY will be truly FULL!

*To create one of your own download a copy or obtain a print of the temple of your choice. 
 -Type up the names of your children and dates ( I went with mission age for the boys and age 21 for the girls just as a ball park figure but now will change that for mission age as well) on your computer and print it off on a piece of transparent/tracing paper. 
- Attach the tracing paper to the temple picture by gluing the edges together with a glue stick. 
-Hang for all to enjoy! 

Celebrate Martin Luther King

We learned all about Martin Luther King today at preschool and watched a youtube video of his famous "I Have a Dream" speech (we only watched the last 6 minutes and we counted how many times he said, "I have a dream.")

We talked about how his hard work and sacrifice changed America to be a better place where people are more kind and accepting of others.  That was his dream and it has come true.  Then all the children decided on a dream they have that will help the world be better and they drew pictures on paper quilt squares.  We put it together with tape and added the yarn bows in each corner. 

It was touching to see what the children came up with and that even at their young age they really understood thinking about ways that they can make a difference.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January joy of organizing

Here is a great idea for making the coat closet a door you enjoy opening.  I got this idea from an organizing presentation a few years ago and went home and did it immediately.  It has been one of the BEST things I ever done to put gloves, mittens and hats in an easily accessible and visible area and they always get put back where they belong.  It cleared out the mess and frustration I used to deal with and has made me really happy!

It is a over-the-door shoe organizer that I purchased from Shopko for under $10.00.  It was worth every cent!


Monday, January 13, 2014

FHE lesson: They That Are Wise-preparing for the Second Coming

I love this lesson for Family Home Evening and it's simple and fast to put together and the kids like to pull the drops of oil off the bottle and add them to the lamp. 
I take all the quotes from President Spencer W. Kimball's talk and book. (included at end)

Print off this oil lamp that I have included
Cut it out and tape it to a bowl or play kitchen pan
Next cover a water bottle with a piece of yellow paper that says;
Being Prepared to see
Jesus at Second Coming
Next print out 8-10 oil drops
Cut them out and write one of these things on each drop:
-Attendance at sacrament meeting
-Family prayer
-Home and visiting teaching
-I Hope They Call Me On a Mission
-Deeds of Kindness
-Paying tithing
-I Love to See The Temple
-Chaste thoughts and actions
-Control of bodily appetites

Put piece of tape on each one and attach it to the water bottle you have covered in yellow paper. 
Print out an oil lamp for each child
Now you are ready to go!

Explain that when Jesus was born as a baby on the earth that was the first time He came to earth.  He will come again and that is called The Second Coming.  Prophets have told us that He will come again and we need to be ready for that day.  We learn about how to be ready from a story in the scriptures called the 10 Virgins. 

Show the video clip from lds.org They That Are Wise. It's a little over 8 minutes long.  Afterward help children understand that the oil is our preparation- what we are doing in our lives to be ready to meet the Savior and be like Him when he comes.  They often don't understand the symbolism of this great story.  Also explain to them why Jesus wouldn't let the women in at the door.  This is concerning to them.

Have each child take a turn pulling off a drop of oil from the bottle. Read it and put it in the lamp.  If it is a song sing it. 

When all the drops are in the lamp read the quote in RED by President Kimball (the other quotes are just to help explain the story to children).

In this parable the virgins represent members of the Church, and the bridegroom represents Christ. The Lord explained to Joseph Smith that the wise virgins are those who “have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived” (D&C 45:57).

 In the Bible, the image of a wedding is used to portray the coming of the Lord (see Isaiah 62:5; Matthew 22:1–14). Jewish weddings included the announcement of the bridegroom’s coming to the bride’s house. The weddings usually began in the evening, with the lamps lit at dusk. So midnight was later than the ten virgins would have expected the bridegroom—and the announcement came suddenly.

Drop by Drop

“Attendance at sacrament meetings adds oil to our lamps, drop by drop over the years. Fasting, family prayer, home teaching, control of bodily appetites, preaching the gospel, studying the scriptures—each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. Deeds of kindness, payment of offerings and tithes, chaste thoughts and actions, marriage in the covenant for eternity—these, too, contribute importantly to the oil with which we can at midnight refuel our exhausted lamps.”
Give each child a lamp and if they are able have them write on their lamp the things that they can do to be preparing for the Second Coming.  Have them put this on their wall or on a mirror-somewhere they will see each day.
Share with them that Satan is working very hard to prevent us from preparing and being ready for this special day so we have to work extra hard to fill our lamps every single day.  Never forget to bear testimony of the truthfulness of the things you have taught and express your love and appreciation for the knowledge we have of this great event and that it is a time to look forward too and you all want to be ready as a family.  
AND... most importantly don't forget the game and treat! 



Monday, January 6, 2014

January Joy with Waffles

I heard on the radio that, today, the first Monday back to school and the first day of work, after the holidays is the most depressing day of the year. 

Then I thought about my last post and the topic of JOY and wondered how in just two short weeks we can lose the JOY of the season and go straight to depression!  I know it's because all the excitement, anticipation, decorations, festivities, days off, and gatherings are over but life gets back into it's routine and we can take JOY in a fresh new perspective.

The wonderful thing about the JOY of Christmas is that comes from thinking about and focusing on our Savior Jesus Christ. So, if we want that to continue we must continue in our effort and focus on thinking about Him and do what He would do.

Continue to serve others, be extra kind and giving, and JOY will come. 

We can also look at our lives and decide ONE way to better ourselves or a way to feel anticipation or excitement in the new year such as- 
Forgive someone
Organize a closet
Let someone go ahead of you in line
Be a courteous driver
Say thank you more, or I Love You
Read your children two books instead of one
Learn to make a new recipe 
Plan a fun family dinner with a theme

These are simple things that have a low failure rate so we don't have to beat ourselves up about already not keeping our long list of New Year's Resolutions. 

If you have teenagers, one IDEA that might be fun to start with the new year is FEED them lunch one day during the school week and invite their friends. 

I started doing this several years ago when my oldest son was a junior in high school and he and his friends had their driver's licenses and could come home during lunch.  I got the idea from a Women's Conference speaker, Margaret Nadauld many years before that when my kids were still in elementary school and I just kept it in my mind waiting for the time I could do it. It has been a great JOY in my life.  Over the years I have continued to do it for all my children in high school and it is a wonderful opportunity to be around my children's friends and listen to their conversations over lunch. 

As a parent you are really able to understand what is important to them and what things are "hot topic," at high school and get to know their friends better.  Many times on weekends when they "hang out," they go from house to house and we don't get the opportunity to see and hear what we can during that special lunch time. 

It started with once a week but feeding a large group of teenagers gets very expensive so I cut back to twice a month and try to do less expensive foods.  Also it's nice because other parents take days during the week and the boys look forward to each house. One friend has pancake Friday and the boys really love that.  Another friend has Fiesta Friday and always has a Mexican theme to the menu. For my oldest son and daughter the lunch menu changed each time. However, for my son, that is a senior now, the boys have come to demand waffles and waffles only.  In fact they insisted that I make them when I fed the Davis High football team a lunch one day. 

I have a special recipe for waffles and it seems to be a great hit.  My children love it and my daughter loved it so much that we had waffle bar at her wedding.  (I'll share that idea at a later date.) 

So here's the recipe:
This makes 16 waffles and I usually have to double it

4 C waffle/pancake mix (I use Krusteaz from Sam's Club, it's the best deal)
2 C cornmeal
1 C oil
About 2 C water-get to a consistency you like, add more water if like it thinner

My kids love that I make the waffles on this special heart shaped waffle iron.  I have two of them and purchased them from Amazon.  They are Kalorik brand.  Having two makes the waffle cooking go pretty efficiently. 

Now the key to amazing, over the top, waffles is homemade syrup.  Hopefully the only thing we are snobby about in our family is syrup and ranch dressing.  In our opinion both have to be homemade or they really aren't worth eating.

Here is the homemade Maple syrup recipe-straight from the Mapeline box I might add:

For every 1 C of water Add 2 C of sugar.  Bring to a boil, stir and add 1/2 capful Maple flavor. Stir and serve warm. 

Here is another delightful syrup recipe that we also served at the wedding:

Buttermilk/Vanilla syrup:
In a large pan-it will bubble way up- combine...
1 C butter
1/2 C buttermilk
1/2 tsp soda
1 C sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
Heat all ingredients together, stirring constantly. As soon as syrup boils take off heat and serve. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

CONGRATULATIONS, the holidays are over AND you lived to tell about it!

I was so proud of myself that through the busy, stressful and chaotic holiday season I only had two breakdowns.  That is an improvement on last year's four and five  the year before that.  Next Christmas  I will shoot for one and maybe with any luck by 2015 I will be down to none!  Always aim high!

All that being said, one evening while driving in the car with my 10 year old son, I asked him what his favorite thing about Christmas was.  Without any hesitation he said, "the joy."  His simple yet profound answer caught me off guard as I expected many other things to come out of his 10 year old mouth.  It gave me pause to ask myself if I was feeling the "joy" of the season. I hadn't been seeing all the joy through all the shopping, wrapping, planning, cooking, cleaning, decorating, delivering, etc. etc. and decided then and there to shape up.  I also thought that despite the chaos and stress every mother feels during the month of December, I had apparently hid it from him and that was a really good accomplishment!  I'm too am grateful for all the joy of the Christmas season and hope it will carry over into 2014!

For me Christmas success is measured in shouts of joy or tears of complete love for the perfect gift.  I plan all year for those kind of reactions and this year did not disappoint.


Another most exciting thing was the ever so brief moment when my 10 year old saw the sleigh tracks, reindeer tracks and Santa footsteps to the front door, and I saw him revert to a little child and believe.  We called him outside and he came with disgust and a "I'm too old for this stuff," attitude but as he saw the "evidence," his face changed and wonder filled his eyes.  It was worth the work I went to even if it was brief.  Maybe even my teenagers had a second where they wondered if it could be real and the magic tickled their heart just a little.

I ended up using a PVC pipe to make the sled tracks and a baseball bat (handle end) to make the reindeer tracks. It worked pretty good.