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Monday, January 6, 2014

January Joy with Waffles

I heard on the radio that, today, the first Monday back to school and the first day of work, after the holidays is the most depressing day of the year. 

Then I thought about my last post and the topic of JOY and wondered how in just two short weeks we can lose the JOY of the season and go straight to depression!  I know it's because all the excitement, anticipation, decorations, festivities, days off, and gatherings are over but life gets back into it's routine and we can take JOY in a fresh new perspective.

The wonderful thing about the JOY of Christmas is that comes from thinking about and focusing on our Savior Jesus Christ. So, if we want that to continue we must continue in our effort and focus on thinking about Him and do what He would do.

Continue to serve others, be extra kind and giving, and JOY will come. 

We can also look at our lives and decide ONE way to better ourselves or a way to feel anticipation or excitement in the new year such as- 
Forgive someone
Organize a closet
Let someone go ahead of you in line
Be a courteous driver
Say thank you more, or I Love You
Read your children two books instead of one
Learn to make a new recipe 
Plan a fun family dinner with a theme

These are simple things that have a low failure rate so we don't have to beat ourselves up about already not keeping our long list of New Year's Resolutions. 

If you have teenagers, one IDEA that might be fun to start with the new year is FEED them lunch one day during the school week and invite their friends. 

I started doing this several years ago when my oldest son was a junior in high school and he and his friends had their driver's licenses and could come home during lunch.  I got the idea from a Women's Conference speaker, Margaret Nadauld many years before that when my kids were still in elementary school and I just kept it in my mind waiting for the time I could do it. It has been a great JOY in my life.  Over the years I have continued to do it for all my children in high school and it is a wonderful opportunity to be around my children's friends and listen to their conversations over lunch. 

As a parent you are really able to understand what is important to them and what things are "hot topic," at high school and get to know their friends better.  Many times on weekends when they "hang out," they go from house to house and we don't get the opportunity to see and hear what we can during that special lunch time. 

It started with once a week but feeding a large group of teenagers gets very expensive so I cut back to twice a month and try to do less expensive foods.  Also it's nice because other parents take days during the week and the boys look forward to each house. One friend has pancake Friday and the boys really love that.  Another friend has Fiesta Friday and always has a Mexican theme to the menu. For my oldest son and daughter the lunch menu changed each time. However, for my son, that is a senior now, the boys have come to demand waffles and waffles only.  In fact they insisted that I make them when I fed the Davis High football team a lunch one day. 

I have a special recipe for waffles and it seems to be a great hit.  My children love it and my daughter loved it so much that we had waffle bar at her wedding.  (I'll share that idea at a later date.) 

So here's the recipe:
This makes 16 waffles and I usually have to double it

4 C waffle/pancake mix (I use Krusteaz from Sam's Club, it's the best deal)
2 C cornmeal
1 C oil
About 2 C water-get to a consistency you like, add more water if like it thinner

My kids love that I make the waffles on this special heart shaped waffle iron.  I have two of them and purchased them from Amazon.  They are Kalorik brand.  Having two makes the waffle cooking go pretty efficiently. 

Now the key to amazing, over the top, waffles is homemade syrup.  Hopefully the only thing we are snobby about in our family is syrup and ranch dressing.  In our opinion both have to be homemade or they really aren't worth eating.

Here is the homemade Maple syrup recipe-straight from the Mapeline box I might add:

For every 1 C of water Add 2 C of sugar.  Bring to a boil, stir and add 1/2 capful Maple flavor. Stir and serve warm. 

Here is another delightful syrup recipe that we also served at the wedding:

Buttermilk/Vanilla syrup:
In a large pan-it will bubble way up- combine...
1 C butter
1/2 C buttermilk
1/2 tsp soda
1 C sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
Heat all ingredients together, stirring constantly. As soon as syrup boils take off heat and serve. 

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