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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Happy "BIRTH" day BOOK

I made this many years ago when my children were very young.  It is a book that contains their BIRTH story; the story of when we found out they would be joining our family, my pregnancy with them, the details of the day they were born, why we picked the name they were given, their first few days at home and details about their blessing day and a few pictures of the day they were born.  Most importantly it tells why we love them and how blessed we are that Heavenly Father sent them to be in our family.

This is a most special and treasured book at our house.  We look forward to the end of each birthday when I read the birthday child their story.    No matter how old they have gotten, it is still an absolute must do!  In fact as they have gotten older the reading of the story in a more sweet and tender experience that always brings me to tears as we remember the JOY that came the day that particular child was born and how fast the time has gone.  When my son was on his mission I made a copy of his pages and sent them to him in his birthday package so he could read them-it wouldn't be a birthday without reading this special story! 

The beginning of the book also has a special message from my husband and me about the wonderful work these children have to do here on earth at this time in history. 

Each child's story always ends with this sentence...
"The day you were born was the one of the BEST days of our life!"
This kind of book adds much to a child's self esteem.  It gives them identity, purpose and knowledge that they are an important and anticipated part of a family.  It is also a good family history. 
I used a 1" 3 ring binder, and sheet protectors.  I typed up each story and then color copied the pictures.  Please remember I made this in the "olden" days before there was Shutterfly or Costco Photo books.  (I have since made a few of those and that would be a great option for this as well.)

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